Page name: The Legion [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-04-01 22:05:36
Last author: Nite_Owl
Owner: Nite_Owl
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The Legion

We are Legion, for we are many.
We are one.
We are Shadow.

Many years ago there stood a grand and powerful empire, Atrophar, stretching over many lands and countries. Young Emperor Bourgian was every bit as equal in greatness as the empire he and his father had created and under his rule, the land prospered for many.

However, lurking in the shadows and alleys, there were others who sought to end the empire forever. Although his empire had become great indeed, only the rich seemed to truly flourish while the poor became ever poorer. Together they formed a group, the Legion, and after years of careful planning, they assassinated the Emperor and his family, leaving the entire land in chaos.

In the west, the Immaculates, supporters of the fallen Emperor, banded together against the Legion in the southeast. The war raged and tore the land apart bit by bit, the Immaculates having the advantage in weaponry and cunning, and the Legion with their strength in numbers as well as overall anger and willingness to fight, but it was clear that it would only end in a stalemate unless other means were used.

On each side, secret organizations and plots were created behind the scenes, each team made up of their brothers' best in arms and ability, each skilled and powerful and wise, each put out to destroy the core of their enemy and ensure the dawn of a new age of rule.

And the question remains…
Who will you join?


The Rules

1. No power-playing or God-moding. Only I, [Nite_Owl], may do either, and only for certain cases if/when they arise. Failure to follow this rule will get you first a warning then a ban (unless you have good reason, such as interaction between you and others that has already been okayed by them).
2. You many create up to four characters, and only up to two on each side.
3. I’m not picky about what kind of spells/weapons you use or what type of species you are and such. If you want to be a cynical were-pixie that shoots hearts, be my guest.
4. I ask that you try to stick to the basic storyline more or less. If you really want to go off and make babies someplace and have a cottage yatta yatta yatta, take it somewhere else please. I doubt the littluns will be fighting in the war.
5. You may make as many minor characters as you wish as well, but keep in mind that they are in fact minor. If they begin to play into the story more than just a tad, I’ll warn you to create a character profile for them in four weeks.
6. Your posts may be as long and as many as you wish, as long as you do not leave behind other important characters before moving on to another area.
7. Swearing is fine as long as it is not overused. Although I do not mind it (not one bit, really) it isn’t just me that’s roleplaying. Please be considerate of other people here.
8. No arguing in the comments. If you’ve a brouhaha to attend, I suggest you take it outside, fellas ;)


The Legionaires
Supporters of the Legion

The Immaculates
Supporters of the Emporer

Other Characters of the Legion
Minor characters, player companions, and NPCs

The Empire of Atrophar
Areas of Atrophar

Username (or number or email):


2007-03-29 [Fizban]: Very interesting, I liked your yuan-ti character alot, and decided to look you up. I see you have a good rp your tryin' to start up...if you don't know, I rp'd in the rp competition with you, in our so far, only round. I think I would be happy to join,...

2007-03-29 [Nite_Owl]: :D Great, didn't know anyone recognized my presence....I felt a little intimidated, considering everyone in our group was quite a bit older than me. But it'll be nice to have new strong RPers. (^,^) I just hope this doesn't flop or anything....I mean, I'm kinda worried about it, since it's my first one...yeah ^^''

2007-03-29 [Fizban]: ooh,...first one...good to know. Those are always a fun experience. Mine definetly taught me alot.

2007-03-29 [Nite_Owl]: Er...I hope in a good way that didn't involve the entire thing screwing up (O,o) My low self-esteem would probably turn that into a very bad thing rather than good :\ Oh well...I'll just hope that everything turns out fine in the end.

2007-03-30 [Giraffe_Spirit]: It twill Owlie, don't worry! :D

2007-03-30 [Nite_Owl]: Aw, thankies taylor :)

By the by, for those who don't know Giraffe is a firt-timer RPer, so give her a little slack at first. She's my best friend's sister, and I know she's a good writer and poet, so I'm sure it won't take her long to get a hang of things, but just help her out a little along the way (^,^) *huggles Taytay*

2007-03-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *nods and salutes* Aye aye, mon capitan! XD Welcome giraffe! I'm cat-chan! *bows* ^^

2007-03-30 [Giraffe_Spirit]: Hi Cat-Chan! This sounds like a lot of fun. I can't wait to get started! ^^

2007-03-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Yeah me too! *bounces* When will we start, owlie?

2007-03-30 [Nite_Owl]: Very soon indeed :D I'm hoping for this to get started in the next week, maybe two. We shall dad's house has no internet right now, so I can't do anything useful this weekend on it :( But this first week back shouldn't be too terrible at school...hopefully ^^'

2007-03-31 [Fizban]: you don't have a consistant interenet connection where you live?

2007-04-01 [Nite_Owl]: Well, my dad's computer has been actingup so the whole CPU is in for repair right now. I'm only at his place for the weekend, so by sunday night I can get on and do stuff again. I'm using my brother's laptop at the moment, so I can't be on long...

2007-04-01 [Fizban]: I see..I see...oh well.

2007-04-01 [Nite_Owl]: I made a new page specifically for lesser/minor characters, if anyone would like to make one. Giraffe made me think of it and I figured it'd be a good idea to put up a page. :)

2007-04-02 [Giraffe_Spirit]: Yay! Ok I will add Rani! *happiness*

2007-04-07 [Nite_Owl]: Arrrgg....okay, so basically, the internet here at mum's has gone from awesome to completely shitty due to some random problem with the wireless cables -_-' Thankfully, though, my dad's computer is finally back online, but that means the most time I can spend here is on the weekends, probably for the next couple weeks at least. So....sadly, don't expect this to start really soon, like I wanted it to :( *sad* My mom's computer finds a connection sometimes, but I can't stay long here anymore, no more than an hour. bleh...basically, this sucks.

2007-04-07 [Grimmloch]: Hello all, I'm thinking of bringing in a mercenary warrior, will the legionaires or the immaculates hire him?

2007-04-07 [Grimmloch]: You can see the first draft of the merc at Bjorn Ragnarsson

2007-04-08 [Nite_Owl]: Sure you can join :) I'd honestly prefer you to join the Immaculates side, but I can't decide for you of course, it's your choice. We just need more people there is all.

Well, some good news: the problem with the internet has been fixed (apparently) so hopefully we'l get started relatively soon. There's one or two more people joining for certain I believe, and after that we're good :D

2007-04-08 [Grimmloch]: According to the back story, the immaculates would be more likely to hire a merc, and would probably be better funded to do so, so it makes sense to me as far as continuity :) Consider it done.

2007-04-08 [Nite_Owl]: Cool, that'll work out geat. (^,^)

Haha, I'm starting to feel sorry for Yalesigna--a little petite woman with three enormous warrior men XD Odd combination, eh?

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